妊娠中に幾度も見返した、思い出いっぱいのエコー写真。そんな大切な写真も感熱紙だといつかは消えてなくなってしまうことをご存知でしょうか? First Portrait(ファースト・ポートレイト)は、経年変化を起こしやすいエコー写真を、いつまでも綺麗に残しておくために誕生したセミオーダー型のポスターデザインサービスです。
It is needless to say that you’ve repeatedly looked back at ultrasound photos of your baby while you were pregnant. But did you know that those precious photos with a lot of memories don’t last long if they’re on thermal paper? This semi-order poster designing service, First Portrait, was born in order to preserve the vulnerable photos to cherish forever.
エコー写真は、胎児の姿を知る唯一の手段。おなかにいる十月十日の成長をポスターにまとめ、世界に一つだけのオリジナルインテリアとして保存しませんか? 大きくなった我が子とそれを眺める幸せな日常を夢見て。
Ultrasound photos are the only way to grasp an idea of what your baby looks like. This poster will be the one and only original interior decoration of a nine month journey of you and your baby. Imagine what a happiness you’ll encounter as you look and compare the poster to the child he/she is to become.
A starter kit will be delivered to the designated address of yours.
Put photos in the album and drop it into a mailbox nearby.
The photos will be returned in about 10 business days after we receive the album.
The poster will be delivered in about 2 weeks after the photos are returned.